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The basic principle and process requirements of deep-frying dehydrator equipment

2022/09/17 18:00
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The basic principle and process requirements of deep-frying dehydrator equipment

Instant noodle production line fried dehydration drying is the quantitative cut off the face block into the automatic frying machine chain box, so that the continuous through the high temperature oil groove surface block is surrounded by high temperature oil, the temperature of the surface block itself rises rapidly, which contains water quickly vaporized. The original water in the noodles escapes quickly, forming a porous structure in the noodles, and further increasing the gelatinization rate of starch in the noodles. When the surface block is soaked, hot water can easily enter these micropores, so it has a good rehydration. On the other hand, due to the fast drying of frying, the gelatinization state of starch after steaming is fixed, which greatly reduces the aging speed of instant noodles during storage and transportation, and maintains the rehydration of instant noodles. The purpose of dehydration is to reduce water for storage and to improve the quality of the product.

The technical requirements of [DONGFANG NAOMU] instant noodle production line equipment for frying are: even frying, consistent color, surface block not burnt not dry, less oil, good rehydration, other indicators meet the relevant quality standards.